boat parts

Outboard ignition parts for Mercury Mariner outboard motors. Power pack, stator, timerbase, regulator.

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No fire or Intermittent on One or More Cylinders:
  1. If the cylinders are only acting up above an idle, connect an inductive RPM meter to all cylinders and try to isolate the problem cylinders.
  2. Using a set of piercing probes, check the trigger DVA output as given below:
  Wire Read To Resistance DVA  
  Purple wire
White wire
Brown wire
Engine GND
Engine GND
Engine GND
3V or more
3V or more
3V or more
  • NOTE: These triggers have the bias circuitry built into them, therefore you cannot measure the resistance like you could the older engines. In addition, there are four triggering coils used.

  1. Disconnect one of the CDM modules that are firing at a time and see if the dead module start firing. If it does, the module you just unplugged is bad.
High Speed Miss:
  1. Connect an inductive RPM meter to all cylinders and try to isolate the problem. A high variance in RPM on one cylinder indicates a problem usually in the switch box or ignition coil. Occasionally a trigger will cause this same problem. Check the trigger as described above under “No fire or Intermittent on One or More Cylinders”.
  2. Perform a high-speed shutdown and read the spark plugs. Check for water. A crack in the block can cause a high speed miss when the water pressure gets high, but a normal shutdown will mask the problem.
  3. Remove the flywheel and check the triggering and charge coil flywheel magnets for cracks or broken magnets.
....end of Force Ignition Troubleshooting Section.
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